With All My Heart, a Gift
[News-and-Society:Religion] When I was A Child, I thought as a child, I acted as a Child, and when I became a man, I put away childish things, an acted as a man. When I told my mother that I loved her she responded in kind, but as I told my dad the same thing, there was no answer.
How Shall We Escape?
[News-and-Society:Religion] How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will? The gift of Salvation comes threw faith in Jesus Christ, as the Son of God. Believing in God is not enough to be saved, for the Lord has demanded us all to worship Him in Spirit and Truth, threw His...
What Does the Lord Mean to Me?
[News-and-Society:Religion] We are to praise the Lord for His excellent Greatness. "If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind."
What is It, If I Lose it All?
[News-and-Society:Religion] We have been set free from this world, and the lust there in. We have freedom from the darkness, that once surrounded us. Shall I covet what is not mine, shall I set my possessions above the one that gave them to me?
The Christian Belief
[News-and-Society:Religion] A number of years ago, I wrote an article about the differences between Islam, and Christianity. This article was based on the two faiths, one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God, and the other who believes that God has no need of a Son, and that Jesus was just a prophet from God. Today many that say they are Christians, have denied the faith, and have turned over to a multi-religious view.
Freedom As a Word
[News-and-Society:Religion] Freedom, as a word, insight many meanings, to many people. We hear of freedom from debt, freedom from persecution, freedom to seek life, liberty and the hope of the future. Many see freedom given from their army's and military might.
- One Bad Apple
[Self-Improvement:Spirituality] You have all heard it said; "One Bad apple will spoil the whole bunch." In a way this is true, in the physical and the spiritual. We can destroy the flesh and also, the spirit.
- The Law of Marriage
[Relationships:Marriage] Shall we have more than one wife? Shall we neglect the Law of our Lord? God forbid, for if we cannot be satisfied by one wife how could we possibly be satisfied by two?
- How I Do Grieve
[Self-Improvement:Grief-Loss] For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye. God has no pleasure in the death of any man. For we are all made in His likeness and in His image.
- Seal Up the Word
[News-and-Society:Religion] As we walk another day in this life, we see that many, so called, ministers of God, are bringing about confusion of every manner. The Bible is specific on all matters concerning righteousness and the time of the end.
- I Don't Want To Go
[News-and-Society:Religion] O the freedom of our youth. We go where we desire, we eat as we will, we drink and rejoice as a new born babe.
- If Thou Doest Well
[News-and-Society:Religion] If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
- The Obscure Verses
[News-and-Society:Religion] Who is a Christian? A Christian is an individual that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Son of God. One who believes the Bible as the word of God, and believes that it is entire, and lacking nothing.
- Will My Children Be Saved?
[News-and-Society:Religion] An upright man, is a man that, is honest, and observant to the will of God, concerning his household. The way many see this is, "as a man is, so shall his children be."
- In The Beginning
[News-and-Society:Religion] Beginning; That which is first; the first state; commencement; entrance into being. To have an original or first existence; to take rise; to commence.
- For I Am Persuaded
[News-and-Society:Religion] I am convinced by reasoning with the Lord, that His word is true, and it is the life of the body, and soul. Can I doubt what I have already been persuaded by? Can I doubt what I have read, and understood?
- Are You Offended by Christ?
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Bible states; "That which is Flesh is Flesh, and that which is Spirit is Spirit." Are you then in the flesh and not in the spirit? Do you become offended by the truth of the Scriptures? Have you been taught other things that are not Biblical? "And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me."
- The Way of the Righteous
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Way of the Righteous. All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of the Lord. We as humans believe that we can hide our sins.
- Even Unto Death
[News-and-Society:Religion] As we walk another day, we see many Christians in peril, and even being killed. We see this in India, Africa, and many points around this world.
- Divisions, Understanding, and Knowledge
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many times in my Ministry, I have seen strife, divisions, and contentions among the Church. We are a brotherhood of believers, we are of one mind, heart, and of one purpose. God is faithful in His promises.
- The Annapolis Peace Conference Part 2
[News-and-Society:Religion] Peace and Safety. We shall all come together and create a home land for the Palestinians and the Jews, we shall live and co-exist together in peace. Every Christian should know these two verses; "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
- The Annapolis Peace Conference - Part 1
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Devision of Israel, and The Holy City. Peace at any cost.
- Thy Will Be Done
[News-and-Society:Religion] My heart was broken today, as a Christian brother passed away. Many times I have seen my prayers for healing be met with the death of the one I was praying for. This is not a mystery to me, for I have always prayed that the will of the Lord be done.
- The Speaker of the Church
[News-and-Society:Religion] I have heard many things, that are not Biblical, from the so called theologians. They say they speak for the Christian community but they don't.
- Admonish, Reconcile, and Reason
[News-and-Society:Religion] When a crime is committed, there is always the result of, making restitution, weather it be, monetary, verbally, or by imprisonment.
- I Baptize You in the Name
[News-and-Society:Religion] There are those that teach Jesus only, or God only, in their churches, but we see, threw all of our reading, and studding, that these doctrines have major flaws. We teach as we have heard from the Spirit, we understand, by that same spirit.
- Hellfire and Brimstone
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many that are laughing at Christians, and at Israel now, will mourn later. Those that are rich now, shall be in poverty later.
- Believing the Truth
[News-and-Society:Religion] The family unit has fallen in disarray, and confusion. Many children are turning against their parents, and parents are turning against their children.
- A Wind that Blows Hard
[News-and-Society:Religion] We see many things in this life, that gives us a sense of doom, and destruction. Many believe in the Prophecy's of the prophets, and many others still do not.
- Dedication of Oneself
[News-and-Society:Religion] Have you dedicated yourself to the Principles, Oracles, and Word, that God is the only God, His statutes are real and true, and His Son is called Jesus Christ? Are you dedicated to Him?
- An Unreasonable Conceit
[News-and-Society:Religion] Pride is a chain, hung about the heart of those that fear others rebuke, and contempt for the fallen or the poor.
- Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of God
[News-and-Society:Religion] For there are many gods, and many Christ in this world, and was sense the beginning. To break is to suffer an interruption of friendship; to fall out.
- Why Don't You Believe?
[News-and-Society:Religion] Why Do We Follow Jesus? We seek the unity of all Churches, in Christ, for the betterment of the Body, for if one man can turn away 1000 demons, imagine what the Church, being as one, could do.
- Why Me?
[News-and-Society:Religion] As the times draws nearer to the coming of Christ, we see many things happening around the world. Floods, Fires, Wars and conflicts everywhere. The lost are not the only ones suffering in these changes, the saved are also being pounded by the events. Many a Christian are suffering around the world, and the question most ask is, why me.
- Let Us Reason Together
[News-and-Society:Religion] We reason, just about everything about our lives, who we marry, how many children to have, where we are going to work, and even at the end of life, where we want to be buried. Why then, cannot we reason with God.
- Today is the Day
[News-and-Society:Religion] When we look at the things going on in this world, we see many things that are being fulfilled by Biblical Prophecy. Why then do we hear, and see, many people and organizations, trying to join together with the workers of darkness?
- To Grieve The Holy Ghost
[News-and-Society:Religion] A believer in the Gospel of Christ, cannot pick, and choose, what to believe, and what not to believe. The problem is that, today many subjects are not being taught, as they were in the first church. This absence of teaching causes many to disregard many of the passages in scripture. This leaves a void in the knowledge of the individual.
- What Shall We Say
[News-and-Society:Religion] Life and death are a given, we are all under the sentence of death. We started to die the moment we were conceived in our mothers womb. We have a life of day by day existence, and we make decisions, that we are sometimes proud of, and others we become ashamed of, but, all in all, our life goes on.
- Cry And You Cry Alone
[News-and-Society:Religion] There is an old saying which goes; "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; cry, and you cry alone." This is true, as far as the world goes, but there are a selected multitude that will cry, with those that cry, morn, with those that morn, and rejoice, at another's triumphs, the children of God.
- The Viper of the Heat
[News-and-Society:Religion] The viper of the Heat, has many faces, a face of evil, and a, face of light, though this light, be a deceptive light.
- Knowing Yourself
[News-and-Society:Religion] Your faith, and hope rest with you, and no one else. No one can grow for you, no one can believe for you, and no one can have faith within you. Over the years, after writing many a message, and lesson, on the Holy Scriptures, I wanted to write a message on knowing yourself.
- The Carnal Mind
[News-and-Society:Religion] It has come to my attention, many years ago, that the mind, body, and spirit, are at war with each other. This knowledge coming threw the teachings of the Holy Spirit. The Mind is carnal, seeking after the control of the flesh, and the spirit. The carnal mind is a self serving entity and will resist all out side influences to change or control. The mind of man controls, memory, and all decision making processes. The choice to sin or not, comes from the mind.
- Faith Without Works
[News-and-Society:Religion] I have seen many things in my life, hardship, death, hunger, and despair. But in all these things I have retained Hope, and Faith, in God. I look out my window and see the green grass, trees, the yellow flowers, and the red birds. I see the white clouds, and the eagle soaring, I am at rest among the land of opportunity, but downhearted by the actions of the unbeliever. I feel uneasy, over what I know to be the truth, faith without works is dead, being alone. Countries, such as Africa, India, and others, are feeling the pain of, hunger and homelessness. This action, which is upon many, is the result of Idol worship, and ungodliness.
- When We Speak Of Faith
[News-and-Society:Religion] When we speak of Faith, we speak of Trust. Trust in somethings, and someone, that we cannot see nor at times understand. We don't know why many things happen to the believers, but we know that there is someone that does.
- A Church By Any Other Name?
[News-and-Society:Religion] There has been many a discussion on which church is the best. This conversation has been going on for a thousand years or so. The coming together of the Christian church has been interrupted for many years.
- Judging and Offending
[News-and-Society:Religion] We are a peculiar people, the people of earth. We strive for everything from power to wealth. Sometimes we see ourselves as super human, with the ability to leap tall buildings with a single bound, but some times we can't even open a jar without help. Many people, even Christians, don't realize that, there will be others that will judge, and others, that will offend.
- Faith, What is it?
[News-and-Society:Religion] Faith is something that must be practiced and given room to grow. The less faith that you have, the little that you can accomplish, but with great faith in the unseen Lord, you can do wonders.
- When A Brother Weeps
[News-and-Society:Religion] Did you know that we serve a compassionate and caring Lord? When we were still sinners, He saw a people that were in a state of denial, and rejection of truth. But out of the goodness of His heart, He sent a Savior to rescue the down hearted, lost, confused, and those in slavery.
- Wherewithal Shall We Be Clothed - (A Rebuke To The Unruly)
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Lord Says; And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation.
- Building A Church Pt 3
[News-and-Society:Religion] What to Preach. At the beginning of any Church, a message of Hope, Peace, and Faith must be preached. The Baptism of repentance, for the remission of sins, and the things concerning the kingdom of God, must also be preached.
- Building A Church Pt 2
[News-and-Society:Religion] And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. The Book of Acts, gives us the instructions on, how a church must be run. The main thing that we see, in a new Church, is singleness of mind and heart. We see this in Acts 4:32-35 and 2:44-47. There is a delegation of authority, that goes threw the leadership of the church as stated in Act 6:2-4
- Building a Church Pt 1
[News-and-Society:Religion] We must all know, a Church is built on two things, 1 minister, and a Vision. To build on the foundation that Christ has laid, we must adhere to the laws of the Church of the First Born.(Revelations.)
- We Will Do And We Will Listen
[News-and-Society:Religion] Here is the life of a Christian; Dedication to God, and His Christ. Dedication to the Gospel. A Profound Commitment. Unconditional Loyalty. Truth above all else. A Fulfillment of the Commandments, and Faith without fear.
- Between 7 and Midnight
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Midnight hour is a transition between, one day, and another. It is the end of one thing, and the beginning of something new. At midnight, we see the death of the past, and the birth of the future.
- I Have Become All Things
[News-and-Society:Religion] As a minister of the Gospel, I have met, and have been introduced to, many a fine person. I myself, have been poor, rich(at times), having much, and having little. I have had all that I desired, and lost everything that I had worked for. I have been called a saint and a sinner.
- Life, Dreams and Visions
[News-and-Society:Religion] There has been over the years a question of weather life is worth living. Webster states that, "a man's life is a series of prosperity, or misfortune." This is true. A mans life can be whatever he desires it to be, if the circumstances surrounding his birth are capable of supporting his dreams, and most importantly, weather he believes in God.
- In the Image of a God
[News-and-Society:Religion] You say that Christianity also have made graven images unto themselves. This is not so, for the image, that we see as Christ, nor the crucifix, that you may see in our homes, are never worshiped.
- Witchcraft
[News-and-Society:Religion] WITCHCRAFT; The practices of witches; sorcery; enchantments; intercourse with the devil, power more than natural.
- The Time Is Fulfilled
[News-and-Society:Religion] As we look at the life around us, we see many changes from the past. Neighbor not knowing neighbor, fear in every aspect of this world, and danger around every corner. The time is fulfilled, or completed.
- Suffer The Little Children
[News-and-Society:Religion] We have all seen a child from Birth. How it coos and giggles, laughs and crys. How it never ask anything, except those things that are needful to its body. These things are considered a natural aspect of children, inbred into their mind and body's, from the wisdom of God.
- A Time To Every Purpose
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Bible tells us that, in the end of days, there will be signs in the Heavens and upon the Earth. Miracles and wonders to behold. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars- and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity- the sea and the waves roaring.
- He Who Has No Sin
[News-and-Society:Religion] There was a man that stated, "The Army of God, is the only army in the world, that shoots its own wounded." Thinking about this, I realized that, when a Christian goes threw troubles and trials, the first thing that many say, "There must be sin in this persons life, why else would they be going through so much trouble?" What these people haven't thought about is Jesus. He who bore our sins upon the cross. He went threw more than we will ever go threw, did He also have sin in His life? No.
- Of Blood and Sacrifice
[News-and-Society:Religion] The life of the Body is the Blood. The same thing applies to the body of a Christian and also, the Church as a whole.
- Christianity
[News-and-Society:Religion] Christianity is the number 1 hated religion in the world.
- Water And Wine
[News-and-Society:Religion] Who then is to say, who is rich or poor? Who then is to say to one, Drink Water, and to another Drink Wine?
- Without Faith
[News-and-Society:Religion] Our faith lets us see stars on a cloudy night, and the sun shine in the midst of a thunderstorm. Faith lets us see flowers during the winter snow, and a cool breeze, on a hot summers day.
- I Am
[Self-Improvement:Spirituality] I am, the one who gives kings their power, and He who, takes it away. I am, the one who made the children of Israel to tremble. I am the one that destroys the unrighteous, as they stand.
- It Shall Be Done
[News-and-Society:Religion] He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD.
- Help Thou Mine Unbelief
[News-and-Society:Religion] For I have seen the miracles of God, and I am fully persuaded that all things are under His control. Even with all this faith, we still are human, and must go on to perfection.
- Living By Faith
[News-and-Society:Religion] Living by Faith, in Jesus above, Trusting, Confiding, in His Great Love, from all harm safe, in His sheltering arms, I'm living by Faith and feel no alarm.
- Another Way to Heaven?
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many teachings have come forth, even before the appearance of Jesus, offering another way to Heaven. Many teach nothing regarding salvation or renewing of the mind nor spirit of the man. Many have taught things that are contrary to even sound judgment.
- The Word of the Lord Says
[News-and-Society:Religion] If the Lord does for one, He Will do for all. God is not unrighteous and will not forget your work in the Lord.
- The Abomination of Desolation
[News-and-Society:Religion] The abomination of desolation will be a statue of the anti-Christ that will be placed inside the third temple. Many scripture back this up. This attempt to work time and dates to justify interpretation is not the way to interpret scripture, many try to look at past events and match Bible prophecy to it, this is a grave mistake and leads to faulty or false interpretations.
- Religious Tolerance - A Message To All Nations
[News-and-Society:Religion] The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. Many today, as was in the beginning of so called religious freedoms, have introduced other strange gods and doctrines. This is accepted today as tolerance of religious freedom.
- Till We All Come In The Unity Of The Faith
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many other religions comment on unifying mankind under one god, many use force, some subversion and some by deception, and others just don't care about unity but self enlightenment of themselves.(These are the ones that hide themselves on high mountains and caves seeking the everlasting(so called) truth of the universe.
- Is America Losing Its Faith in God?
[News-and-Society:Religion] We have seen in the past, when at war, people of certain backgrounds and nations of origin, being rounded up and put in camps. We being afraid that these people were also the enemy that we were fighting. We segregated these people, hated these people and, despised their nations of origin, because of what they desired to do.
- Are You Called?
[News-and-Society:Religion] Redemption; In theology, the purchase of God's favor by the death and sufferings of Christ; the ransom or deliverance of sinners from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law by the atonement of Christ.(Webster)
- Are We to Forget about God?
[News-and-Society:Religion] There is a movement starting that Christian Theologists are wanting Church members to demand the world to concentrate on the environment, which is fine, but it should not, I repeat, should not be the Churches first priority.
- Scoffers
[News-and-Society:Religion] "Scoffers, an answer to Sam Massey." Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.
- Nothing to Fear
[News-and-Society:Religion] It is your spirit that will control your destiny, it is your spirit that will choose right from wrong, good or evil, life or death. Fear does not rule the life of a Christian, for there is no room in the spirit of a believer for fear.
- The Problem With The Middle East
[News-and-Society:Religion] The problems in the area are not connected to Israel but are rather a problem of greed and religion, power and submission, control and conquest. These are nations that are caught up in the most interesting aspect of Biblical prophecy concerning the region and of Israel.
- Fighting Against God
[News-and-Society:Religion] Through the centuries, many religions have fought against Christianity and the Jews. Never destroying them nor stopping them from their faith in God and Christ. They are not fighting against us but are fighting against God and His people. For to fight and not win should be a sign to them that God is on the side of the righteous.
- The Lost Church
[News-and-Society:Religion] In today's world we see many, Members, Clergy and Ministers, who have lost their first love and have gone after strange spirits. Many have lied, manipulated and deceived their congregations and each other. Saying that righteousness is within the individual. We see this change has come upon many that say they are Christs but denigh the very Father that Sent Him.
- Feeding The House of God
[News-and-Society:Religion] If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.
- The Mind of Christ. Is it the Mind of God
[News-and-Society:Religion] There are many things in Scripture that bring about controversy and division, this is one of those subjects. No man knows all about scripture, we all have an interpretation, a vision, and a dream, we must share all we do know to invoke a thought process in all. This way we get others to read and become involved the interpretation process. Ars.
- When A Christian Dies
[News-and-Society:Religion] The coldness of the grave awaits every living being on this earth, there is no escape, no delay and no other recourse except the rapture, and even then, the body must still die.
- I Love You; I Honestly Love You
[News-and-Society:Religion] When was the last time you told someone that you loved them? I'm not talking about your spouse, Children nor Mother and Dad. Does these words limit the way that they are used? Can you imagine a world without love, a world without compassion or a world without scruples? Well I'm here to tell you that this is the world that we live in.
- Heaven and Who Enters
[News-and-Society:Religion] For me to try to describe Heaven would be pointless, man has not the capacity of mind or thought to realize the beauty nor expanse of Gods Kingdom. There is a great misconception on what Heaven is and those that will be allowed to enter. Is there a Heaven? Yes. Is it a place or just a concept? Its a place.
- The Lord is Not in the Wind
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many times in history God has become the main source of blame for many disasters that He had nothing to do with, also these things have been attributed to Satan, neither of these ideas are true.
- His Seed Begging Bread
[News-and-Society:Religion] Our contentment with our present state is pivotal to being rewarded by God. We are there by showing that we are willing to accept the state or destiny that God has designed for us. If we cannot be content with food and clothing we are unable to accept or control greater riches or position in this life.
- The Three C's in Marriage. pt 3.
[News-and-Society:Religion] Marriage & Relationships. Ephesians 5:20-5:33 This is the last part of a three part sermon on the way of a successful Marriage. But by all means not all. The scripture deals with marriage as Christ deals with the church. Many scriptures tell us how to have a good marriage and relationship with Christ and the Church.
- The Three C's in Marriage. pt.2.
[News-and-Society:Religion] Marriage & Relationships. Ephesians 5:20-5:33 Ephesians 5:20-33 , Conversation. We found out in part 1, that there are three Cs in marriage. The first was commitment, now we will look at conversation. Many marriages fail due to the lack of conversation between the man and woman. A conversation is, to speek, communicate, to talk.
- The Three Cs of Marriage.
[News-and-Society:Religion] Marriage & Relationships. Ephesians 5:20-5:33 The Three Cs of Marriage The three Cs that aid in a successful Marriage Ephesians 5:20-33 There are many different ways according to the scripture to have a successful marriage, here are the Cs in Marriage.
- Then are ye Bastards, and not Sons
[News-and-Society:Religion] Bastard; Illegitimate sons who are excluded from the rights of inheritance. Male or female, for there is neither in the Kingdom of Heaven. What type of inheritance? The inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven. If we being sons of God with all privileges of son ship, then those that refuse son ship are bastards and not sons.
- In the Eyes of the Future
[News-and-Society:Religion] As a child at school, I once told a friend, as we looked down the road; “Our future is down there, we couldn't see it yesterday, but now its clear, and I'm afraid.”
- There is a Generation
[News-and-Society:Religion] A generation without the love for God or self. This is a generation that will be self serving and full of greed and hate. A generation that will be faithless and perverse. Today I read of men and women, marring animals, a woman to a cat, a man to a dog and another man to a spider.
- "666"
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Anti-Christ and His number,666, must be an individual and not just human attributes, for Israel is looking for a Messiah, this must be fulfilled according to prophecy.
- Trust in the LORD
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Bible tells us that we are to trust in the Lord and not to lean to our own understanding. What Does this actually mean?
- Your Trial of Faith
[News-and-Society:Religion] Faith is a substance that we all can feel and recognize. Especially at times of great stress and anxiety. Does being a believer in Christ mean an easy walk? No. You can understand and feel the trials of Faith in these end days.
- The Uncompromising Truth
[News-and-Society:Religion] We have seen many people in the past and also today, that wanted the masses to believe that they knew when the world would come to and end. They were wrong and anyone that says that they know, is a lier and the truth is not in them.
- The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Pt 3.
[News-and-Society:Religion] Death is a way of life, in this existence that we are all part of. Death waits for no man, but comes at an appointed time, date and second. Death is actually the moment of separation of the spirit from the flesh. We are all immortal.
- The Way, The Truth, and The Life - Pt 2
[News-and-Society:Religion] Truth is the conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which is, or has been, or shall be. We are Sanctified by the truth of the Gospel, thru Faith in God and Christ. The Truth makes us free from our, inhibitions, witchcraft, sin and unrighteousness, phobias, superstitions and our fleshly desires.
- The Way, The Truth and The Life - pt.1
[News-and-Society:Religion] I have Preached, to the Jews and the Gentiles, and have been, Rejected for Telling the Truth, And because I told you the truth, you believed me not. I am a man, of all Countries and Nations, but can not find a Home on Earth.
- The Brokenhearted
[Self-Improvement:Grief-Loss] Many people feel that they are alone and that no one else really understands them or their problems. Many people try to help those that are brokenhearted but really lack the understanding needed to help. How do you tell a mother that just lost a child that it will be all right or that you know what they are going thru?
- Dealing with Sex - pt.1
[News-and-Society:Religion] This message is not to show what sexual sins are but rather what the Bible teaches about it.
- Dealing With Sex - pt. 2
[News-and-Society:Religion] And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger? (Will you become a whore to another?)
- Dealing with Sex - 3
[News-and-Society:Religion] Maintaining a sexual relationship is important in a relationship, but there comes times when a man and a woman become unable to preform these actions because of health or just age.
- Your Covenant with Death, an Agreement with Hell
[News-and-Society:Religion] As we walk in the beautiful raze of the sun, we don't take much time considering our death nor or eternal home. The Bible tells us that we have an appointment and a covenant, with death and an agreement with Hell.
- Scientology and the Church of Satan
[News-and-Society:Religion] In this lesson we are going to talk about man made religions, all which are contrary to the Holy Bible. L. Ron Hubbard. The Scientology religion Scientology is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life.
- The Watchtower Society
[News-and-Society:Religion] False doctrine comes in many forms and from many different people. The biggest problem is, that those that teach these things are deceiving themselves and those that they teach.
- Sown in Weakness
[News-and-Society:Religion] We have went from the Cross to the Grave, but the grave is not the end of all things but just the beginning.
- Why Must I Be Saved?
[Self-Improvement:Spirituality] There are many that ask... "Why must I be Saved? I never asked to be born, and I shouldn't be made to make any kind of decision. Its not right to hold me accountable for something I didn't ask for."
- Dealing with Divorce.
[News-and-Society:Religion] The joining of two different people, is what God warns of being unequally yoked together. There is no reason nor cause for abuse in any form, mental or physical, for this is a violation of the Laws of God and man.
- Satan's Grip: Why Children Go Bad
[News-and-Society:Religion] To understand our children's fall from grace we must look at whom they serve. Many parents ask and even blame themselves, "”What did I do wrong?" Parents do have a certain amount of responsibility to guide their children into the righteousness which is God, they must teach and explain, what salvation is, further more this must begin at a young age.
- The Di Vinci Code - The Doctrine of Devils
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Book and Movie entitled, The Di Vinci Code, is a fictional account of the life of Jesus. It is not based on Scripture, nor is it based on any Historical fact concerning Jesus.
- Divide and Conquer
[News-and-Society:Religion] The United States is divided almost in two. The virility and tenacity of her people, is slowly waining away. There are divisions in politics, religion, schools, in the market places and a division between the rich and the poor.
- Faith is the Assurance
[Self-Improvement:Spirituality] I want to speak of, the Faith of the believer in Christ, the Faith in the Church and the faith within ourselves.
- The Lies of the Gospel of Judas
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many new religions and cults see the manuscript of the so called Gospel of Judas as historical and Biblical fact. The facts, as we see it, come not from man but from God. The fact is that Judas Iscariot was cursed and condemned to everlasting punishment in the lake of Fire, for his part in the betrayal of Jesus.
- The Agenda of The Anti-Christ.
[News-and-Society:Religion] In this, a season of fear, where does the Christian Community Stand? Are we united as one, as Jesus commanded, or are we split into factions, one against another?
- The Light.
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many in the World are taking concern and truth, for hatred and condemnation of other religions by Christians. In some circumstances they are correct, but in the majority they are wrong.
- Social Commentary
[News-and-Society:Religion] A Social commentary is the act of expressing an opinion, on the nature of society. This is most often done with the idea of implementing or promoting change by informing the general populace about a given problem and appealing to people's sense of justice.
- The Anchor Holds, Tho the Sails are Torn
[News-and-Society:Religion] And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. And his disciples came to him and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. The Anchor held in the midst of the storm, the Sails of Faith, were torn and nothing would do except Faith in the Saviour.
- Effective Prayer.
[News-and-Society:Religion] "Our Most Gracious Heavenly Father. I come to you in the Name of your Son Jesus, asking, praying and giving thanks, for all the Blessings that you have bestowed upon me and my family. You are the Lord God almighty, the God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob and thou art my God."
- Being A Light in A Dark World.
[News-and-Society:Religion] We are not perfect and neither can we be, untill the time of Rejoicing with Jesus takes place. Even the Apostle Paul stated that He had not attained perfection but was still striving for it.
- I came to divide.
[News-and-Society:Religion] There are more religions in the world today than ever. Many have sprung up in the last 35 years and a new one has just came upon the scene. Many of these religions are calling for a joint unity between all religions that will lead us all into one big happy family with world peace assured.
- One World Order; The "Return of the Khalifate" An Opinion, Part 3
[News-and-Society:Religion] Catholicism & Mohammedanism.(Islam.) In our look at a one world order, I wanted to take the time and do a little comparison between two religious factions. These two are completely different from one another. Remember this study is intended to get all to start thinking about world affairs and the beginning of the end. This is just one interpretation.
- One World Order: The "Return of the Khalifate" An Opinion - Part 2
[News-and-Society:Religion] To control the News is to control the worlds knowledge. In order to understand what this all means to us we must look into the past to see the future.
- One World Order; The "Return of the Khalifate" An Opinion - Part 1
[News-and-Society:Religion] Could the Anti-Christ be a Jewish Muslim from Syria? Is this the reason that The Anti-Christ will fight against the first three nations?
- The Prodigal Son - A Contrast in Ideas
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many look at the story of the Prodical Son as a contrast between two Brothers, one conservative and the other a non conformist, a rebel. But in essence it is way more than that.
- Killing God !
[News-and-Society:Religion] We have seen churches burned sense the early times of mans existence. Time after time, the ungodly take it upon themselves to try to change the course of mankind's involvement with God.
- Accepting all Beliefs Made U.S. Great ?
[News-and-Society:Religion] Mans ability to serve God is based on mans ability to believe God. And when man refuses to believe, there occurs a rift between himself and God.
- The Great Resurrection Debate
[News-and-Society:Religion] I watched a program the other night featuring the Resurrection. On this program were theologians, debating weather the Resurrection of Jesus was real or a spiritual vision. I wanted to answer all these men about their uncertainty of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- Armageddon
[News-and-Society:Religion] The word Armageddon strikes fear into the most bravest of men, because of its ominous meaning, about the end of the world as we know it. There are many that scoff at the very words in scripture that cover the battle. But they will answer to a vengeful God for their inconsistency's in the scripture.
- Restoration - Hallelujah
[News-and-Society:Religion] The turning away from the truth, being reconciliatory to all manner of filth and religions, being tolerable of lies and evil, making a pact with the devil, just to have a short lived peace. This present age is filled with violence, of so called religion.
- Bibles and Bullets
[News-and-Society:Religion] This changing world comes with added violence by those that say there are religious but are not. Many are being led astray from the truth and others refuse to hear it.
- The Lords Cup
[News-and-Society:Religion] Have you wondered why, when communion is given, the Ministers always ask those, that are about to take it, to examine themselves, to assure that they be worthy? Well according to scripture, there is a curse on those that are found unworthy by God.
- Who Is God?
[News-and-Society:Religion] I believe that this is the most asked question in todays world. As mankind races toward Armageddon and the end of Days. Many are seeking a place of peace and safety, not knowing what is on the rise for tomorrow.
- As the Eagle
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many of the books coming out are misleading and take away from the time that should be spent in doing the will of the Father. Many are saying that they have the answers but require you to pay for the knowledge that they say has come from God. Why?
- Understanding Your Faith
[Self-Improvement:Spirituality] Understanding your faith in God and His promises is extremely important for your salvation and continuation in this life.
- The Demon, Seed Demons, Devils and Darkness Part 2
[News-and-Society:Religion] Demons and Devils are evil spirits that are unseen by the natural eye, but their effect on mankind has been from the beginning of mans knowledge of his surroundings.
- The Demon Seed - Demons, Devils and Darkness, Part 1
[News-and-Society:Religion] To watch or read the news is an effort in trying to see what this world is coming to. The Bible is full of the reality of Demons, Devils and Darkness.
- Is Jesus God?
[News-and-Society:Religion] Many are asking this question, trying to find an answer. Some say yes, some say no, and some are not sure. So then how can we find out who this Great Messiah is, God or Christ? First lets look at a little contention in the preaching of the Gospel. Many Churches today, and in the past, are preaching Jesus only, some, God only and even some, God and Jesus only, without the Holy Spirit. All three of these are wrong. We shall show you why.
- Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani? The Real Passion of Christ!
[News-and-Society:Religion] Most of the Biblical accounts in the movies are just a conglomeration of what they believed happened or they spice it up with fairy tales to get more people to watch them. These are seducing spirits that have only one agenda, To confuse.
- What Profiteth the Graven Image?
[News-and-Society:Religion] Let God speak. Weather you believe in God the Father or not, He is and always will be. For God is spirit and eternal. We as a people, prone to illness, disease and death, are in the minority of creatures that the almighty has created.
- Finding God
[News-and-Society:Religion] What is in the minds of those that are lost, indecision, controversy, doubt, lack of knowledge? Who are the Lost and what does it mean?
- The Unholy Trinity
[News-and-Society:Religion] The trinity that we are going to study is Satan, The Beast and The False Prophet.
- The Trinity
[News-and-Society:Religion] The Trinity of Scripture is a controversial subject among many in the Christian Community. I would estimate th